Customer Testimonials

Jewelry-N-Loan is known throughout Orange County for its professional and courteous staff and its unrivaled customer service. Our loan officers, watchmaker and jeweler all have unique expertise, allowing us to offer top dollar for your luxury jewelry, diamonds, fine watches, gold and coins whether you are selling outright or seeking a pawn loan. And, of course, we are known for our showcase filled with merchandise at unparalleled prices. We have been fortunate to have a number of our customers offer testimonials…

A wonderful shop with a great staff of friendly and dedicated people. We appreciated the service as the whole staff from Steve to the rest of them there were pleasant and helpful. We highly recommend visiting them when looking for something special.

Timothy – Lancaster, CA

I brought my automatic watch in for a quick repair and Alfredo brought it back as good as new! If you want affordable, quality, and reliable watch repair and/or jewelry this is the place to go! They’ve got a life long customer in me!

Yemi – Orange, CA

Steve is extremely knowledgeable about jewelry & watch brands. He has an extensive background working at precious watch & jewelry companies hence immediately recognizes brands, details, & hallmarks. Simone was lovely and also has much precious jewelry experience. I will be back to see them sooner than later … highly recommend Jewelry N Loan.

Julia – Laguna Beach, CA

“Great select of high end watches.  Steve was very helpful with finding me the perfect ring.  The main focus is loans and that’s a nice service to be providing. Friendly and honest great small business.”

Will – South Lake Tahoe, CA

I had a very positive experience, this place is awesome! I’ve never had a need to use the services of a pawn shop before, but life happens, and I found Jewelry N Loan to be very professional, helpful and explain to me exactly how the process works. Would use them again when the need arises.

Larry – Manhattan, NY